Six Ways To Optimize Your Supply Chain To Generate Profit

Companies use multiple tactics to generate economic profit, including introducing new products, launching marketing campaigns or undertaking acquisitions. Supply chains offer an effective, though less understood, path to creating value through growth, driving down working capital, improving cash flow and lowering cost.

Surprisingly few companies understand the importance of the supply chain, and few have a formal strategy in place for managing global supply chain risk in the years ahead. This is especially dangerous given the volatility and uncertainty in trade relations between the U.S. and China, as well as other scenarios around the world. Besides geopolitical uncertainty, having the right talent, a holistic perspective and appropriate technology may all figure into the supply chain risk factor.

Use the following best practices to optimize your supply chain and minimize risk.

Redefine The Supply Chain

Best practices begin with redefining supply chain excellence and broadening its scope.

Create A Cross-Functional Team

Best practices for driving shareholder value through supply chain optimization can be easily implemented in any company for concrete results.

Focus On The Right Metrics

Following increased visibility and cross-functional team-making, focusing on the right metrics is the logical next step.

Connect With The C-Suite

Another essential best practice in supply chain optimization is building relationships throughout the entire company and starting conversations with the CFO and other key executives.

Manage Risks

Long-standing supply relationships have value, but disruption of those relationships can be devastating.

Total Value Optimization

The Total Value Optimization (TVO) framework promotes greater collaboration, integration and transparency.

Read more at Six Ways To Optimize Your Supply Chain To Generate Profit

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Close the Loop on Supply Chain Risk: 5 Strategies to Move Product, Boost Sales and Automate Efficiency

Supply chain management is a critical function for any small to mid-sized business. Yet, too often companies rely on spreadsheets to manage supply chain activities — a risky prospect that’s labor-intensive and error-prone.

A better option is to bring these activities into your financial management or ERP system. Centralizing tasks such as order filling, inventory management and delivery tracking can positively impact sales, improve cash flow and keep you tax compliant.

Here are five ways that ERP supply chain management benefits your bottom line.

Right-sized Inventory

Getting inventory right can be tricky: too low, you risk losing customers; too high and you’re left holding the bag, so to speak.

Control Quality

Dealing with defective materials or products can be a drain on your business. Not only can it hurt sales, but it can also damage your reputation.

Optimize Shipping

Web sales have made fast, affordable shipping a must-do for all businesses. Keeping track of goods coming and going can become burdensome, not to mention the hassle of dealing with lost or late shipments.

Improve Cash Flow

Invoicing practices can greatly impact your cash flow. Moving from a manual process to automation allows you to process invoices faster and shorten the order-to-cash cycle.

Be Compliant

Navigating complex and ever-changing trade and tax rules can be daunting. Being part of a supply chain compounds that risk.


Read more at Close the Loop on Supply Chain Risk: 5 Strategies to Move Product, Boost Sales and Automate Efficiency

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