Addressing Burnout in Supply Chain Management

Addressing Burnout in Supply Chain Management

Addressing Burnout in Supply Chain Management

Supply chain employees mean so much to our economy but as a group they’re suffering from burnout –– and for good reason. They’re navigating heavy workloads, long hours, inefficient technology, constant pressure to meet demands, and inadequate health and wellness support.

Additionally, the global electronics supply chain has encountered an unprecedented series of disruptions during the past two years.

Addressing burnout in supply chain management is critical because worn-out employees don’t perform at their best, which disrupts the operation’s workflow and overall success. Employees and management have a role in addressing burnout in supply chain management. Let’s talk more about this below.

Employees must speak up

Burnout manifests as physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that results in diminished work performance, motivation, and engagement.

Working in a high-pressure industry like supply chain management can cause chronic stress that has workers constantly on edge. In addition, those in supply chain roles are often overworked and strained due to the increased commerce demand, leading to more burnt-out employees.

Mitigating burnout and bettering the work conditions for supply chain employees starts with them. Employees must take responsibility for their own mental health and wellness.

Employees need to communicate their wellness needs and suggestions for accommodating them. They should set boundaries at work and speak up when toxicity threatens their productivity and peace of mind.

They must also work on their holistic health outside of work. Practicing gratitude and self-compassion to cope with workplace stress, implementing daily self-care, and attending therapy are great places to start. While this should be encouraged, managers and leaders also have a crucial role in addressing workplace burnout.

Read more at Addressing Burnout in Supply Chain Management

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